Thoughts & Action in Support of Black Lives Matter

As the owner of Wanamakers Generals Store I have always felt very honored by my ability to contribute to my local community.Whether it is through the myriad of local farms and artisans that I buy products from; supporting and donating to local charities, organizations, and causes; or through being a place where people can gather, catch up and make connections with their neighbors.
I want Wanamakers to be a place where everyone feels welcome and safe. As I have watched the recent events unfolding across our nation, I have realized that more needs to be done worldwide to stop racism, oppression and inequality. My philosophy has always been “support local” so in keeping with that motto, Wanamakers General Store will make a focused effort to truly be a place where everyone feels welcome, specifically people of color.
My first step will be installing an outdoor library which will feature literature that contributes meaningfully and constructively to our conversations about systemic racism and the black and brown experience in our communities. Please feel free to borrow and contribute to this library. Instructions for its use will be posted on it. Here’s a sneak peek:
Over the years I have seen amazing things accomplished by this community when we all pull together and support each other.
With love for all,
Kyra Hendricks